Spaced Agency

Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England

Location | Boston

The Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England’s new building manifests thresholds under urban, programmatic, and tectonic conditions. Straddling Chinatown’s border, the structure frames and reinforces the iconic Chinatown gate. Meanwhile, by moving what is typically at the center of Chinatown to its periphery, the Association opens itself up for a reciprocal relationship between insiders and outsiders. Just as new immigrants learn English to venture beyond Chinatown, others can learn Chinese for opportunities in Chinatown.

The softened border manifests as parallel walls with spaces in between. Meandering circulation punctures these walls to produce spatial depth in the oblique, which concludes at a roof garden vis-à-vis the Greenway. Conceived as CLT blanks, cross-stacked, the structure accommodates varying bays that house the Association’s diverse programming.

The resulting spaces push back on the open plan’s promise of a melting pot – that belonging is best produced by smoothing over difference – to retain and contrast each space’s character through a staccato of thresholds.


Community Center, Restaurant




38,000 sq-ft